Monday, February 4, 2013

So much room for activities.

I love being a mom. I like working out. I like obstacle course races. I like to point out the obvious.

I usually post about above mentioned obviousness but I thought I’d go crazy and shake things up. After I pimp this other blog's interview of me: Bada$$ Mom Monday. Now, I will delve a little bit further into what I do when I’m not racing, being a mom, being a wife, cleaning up after a dog, 3 cats, and a snake, working out, or racing.  Yes there is more time in the day for stuff. But not for dusting. Ain’t nobody got time for that.
One of my first obsessions is The Doctor. Say it…Say it…SAY IT!!! I’m going to assume you said Doctor Who. Ahhhhh. Yes Doctor Who. It’s nerdy and delicious. It’s the kinda of marathon I can really sink my teeth into, the Netflix Marathon. I am more than guilty of spending several hours sipping on wine, knitting and watching this show. I really like the newer series but I’ve been known to watch some older ones. 

I made these Ewok hoods for the kids.
What’s that you say, knitting?! Why yes I am a knitter. I’m not a fancy knitter though. I learned how to knit off of You Tube.  So if it’s not on there then I don’t know how it’s done. But seriously what Isn’t on you tube?!

Below is my work in progress. It’s the scarf of the 4th Doctor in Doctor Who. It was 12 Feet long so it’s taking a while to get done. I’m about half way. I would be further but my darling little girl decided to pull my needles out one day and set back about 2 days. I enjoy sewing too although I haven’t done much of that in a while.  I don’t get as much time for my hobbies with my husband deployed, well on a civilian deployment but I’m still saying deployed, and with school.

Tom baker with the scarf.

About half wayt to that -->

School you say?!?! Why yes I’m using this segway again. I am also a student. A late bloomer in the area of academics I suppose. I am obtaining my Associates in Independent Studies with a focus on Health Sciences.  I was a full time student up until this semester. With the husband gone I can’t really make it to class, don’t get me started on daycare, and I only have one class to graduate. I’m taking statistics online in a 7 week condensed class format.  Also while I’m bragging I’m also holding a 4.0 GPA.

That’s all I’m going to say about that.