Tuesday, September 18, 2012

4 days: Packing List

Because preparing for an event like the Ultra Beast isn't stressful enough I have to add in buying a new car and other fun things. I finally got around to packing my bin and camelbak today. I also went and got a new camelbak. My penny pinching solution wasnt cutting it with the amount of stuff i wanted to bring. Since I have such awesome friends and family I have the available funds to do so. Also the new car will be a lot cheaper on gas and we are saving money on payments compared to our trade in. But I digest. O.o Here is the packing list. I'm open to suggestions too. The race is unsupported so I have to prepare for any eventuality. The bin will be place at the half way point and will only have access to it at that point.

 Camelbak 100oz/3L
-4 Powerbar gels
-2 cliff bars
-Gerber tool
-Baby wipes
-First aid tin with band aid and antiseptic wipes
-Medical Tape
-550 Cord
-Ziplock bag

Bin 19 gallon....wait a tick...I dont think i'm going to need that fat cat. Let's try this again.
Bin 19 gallons
- Socks
- Knee brace
- Gloves
- Shakeology (incase i cant stomach solids)
- 1 gallon of water
- Bag of refill items for Camelbak with Headlamp and Glowsticks
- Windbreaker, tights and a t-shirt.
- MRE (Chili yum!)
- Ziplocks for trash or whatever
-Spare camelbak bladder
-Small bladder to make Gatoraid
-550 cord
-Extra glowsticks
-Duct tape
-Hair tie
-Mole  Skin, Bandaids, gauze
-Topical Benardryl

Finally the outfit. I plan on wearing long sleeves under the tank or the windbreaker depending on weather.

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