Thursday, August 23, 2012

29 Days: Biker Chick

"Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them: A desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have last-minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill. " -Muhammad Ali

Beast Mode face!
I really like this expression. I am a Spartan and a mom. I may not be able to train 4 hours a day in the gym. My routine usually revolves around my children. I am going to do these races. I wont come in first or probably not even 100th. But I have the will to finish it and I  will finish it. Not only do I enjoy it but I want my children to be proud of me and learn from example. 

Enough of that. Today i was greatly reminded how much I do not like to bike. I biked about 18 miles. My phone wasn't fully charged so I was saving juice for emergency calls so no accurate timing. My ride took me to the park on post to let the kiddies play. As they climbed around and had fun I couldn't help but feel I had little racers in the making. I obviously took this time to do some chin ups, pull up and some planking. .Now that I am home I realize that I should have listened to that voice inside my head that said take the weight lifting gloves, they might be handy. But I went with the louder voice that said, nah, why would you need those?! Oh well I guess I'm just working on my callouses.

Next year he can do a kids Spartan!
Climb climb she kept saying!

Tomorrow I plan on cleaning this house. I am going to keep telling myself in the future my kids are going to remember the fun we had and not the mess in the house.

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